
If you’re here somehow you’ve managed to stumble across my name somewhere, probably in connection with some rambling about video games, film or tech. You’re also probably wondering who I am.8Zs-gqy7_400x400

Well, for starters, my name is Oliver Cragg.

I’ve been collating my thoughts in word form for as long as I can remember really. But, it has taken me a while to settle on what it is I want to write about. That’ll be video games and consumer technology, then.

I’ve got a Masters degree that makes people go “ohhh… that must have been interesting”. An MA in Film to be precise, from the University of Southampton. While I can competently work a camera, I’m much better at dissecting a sequence from any film of your choosing and blowing your tiny mind with knowledge. Nice to have the PhD door open to me for when I have any semblance of a workable bank balance/want to do that to myself… the horror.

People are defined by what they like inevitably so here goes… my favourite examples of things I like:

Films: Ridley Scott’s Alien, Danny Boyle’s Sunshine and Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solyaris (there are a few more but this is my trifecta of sci-fi)

Videogames: Psychonauts, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last of Us, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge, Journey, BioShock, Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Pokemon… all of them.

Musicians: Tom Waits, Bjork, Joanna Newsom, Sigur Ros, Miles Davis, Pixies, Joy Division.

I currently reside in Surrey with my fiance (for her sins). It’s a pity she’ll never really know how much her wit and wisdom pushes me forward.

Anyway, that’s enough of me. If you’d like to contact me I’m available through all kinds of avenues which you can find here.

Signing off…

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